School Counselors / School Counseling

School counselors create and implement a comprehensive school counseling plan in order to foster the development of social and emotional health within the student body. As a component of of this plan, within St. Peter School, “Life Skills” lessons are provided to all students in order to instill and strengthen moral values as well as provide information which will help students thrive in all aspects of life. In addition, lessons on various topics relating to social/emotional health and well-being are presented throughout the school year in order to address specific topics.

In order to provide more focused assistance to students and families, school counselors conduct individual, as well as small group, counseling sessions with students to address various behavioral and emotional concerns.  Further aid may be provided to students and families via referrals to outside behavioral and mental health agencies as well as by connecting families to supports within the community.

Ultimately, a school counselor’s mission is to engender social, emotional, and academic success so that each child may flourish throughout all domains of life.

You may reach the school counselor of St. Peter School, Ms. Stacey Meredith,

by email ( or by phone (732-892-1260).