October is a beautiful month to reflect on all God’s goodness and appreciate our many blessings.

On Wednesday, we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis and went to Mass as a school. We presented Father Robert with the traditional poor man’s cake. He gave a beautiful homily and had students repeat many times: Love changes everything! Father Robert blessed the kindergarteners’ stuffed animals, and after Mass, spoke from the heart to our 7th and 8th graders. Following Mass, the PTA provided delicious ice cream treats to all! It was a memorable day!

Our 1st Graders enjoyed a Halloween themed art lesson – making Jack-O-Lanterns!

Our 2nd Graders enjoyed a fantastic Science Lab investigation on Johnny Appleseed Day – Can You Make an Apple Erupt like a Volcano? The answer is YES!

6th Graders calculated speed with their marble runner creations.

7th Graders investigate Conservation of Mass with an Endothermic Chemical Reaction.

Our PreK 4A and 5th Grade Prayer Partners enjoyed an activity and some play time together. They LOVE their partnership!

Our September Character Awards were announced today – September’s character trait was CARING. Congratulations to all of these caring students!

Autumn Blessings —- Mrs. Kobrin

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