So many exciting things happen here at SPS on daily basis!

On Friday, Student Council ran a Rah Rah for the entire school to have some fun and show some spirit. It was just in time for the weather to come….Do You Want to Build a Snowman? It was a great time and the 5th Graders took the Spirit Stick!

Our 6th Graders continue to work on their 3-D moon model and Artemis Space Camp. They are learning how to code the Photon Robots for Orion’s Orbit.

Also in the Science Lab, students hydroponically grow vegetables in the Tower Garden and use some to feed Chubby, the Guinea Pig, and our Bearded Dragons! But all of the animals get lots of love and attention!
The 6th Grade Religion class created games to learn the Liturgical Calendar!
Our Kindergartners had a blast making snow by painting over crayon with a magic potion! And just in time the next snow storm!
Blessings…Mrs. Kobrin

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