We have been so busy these past two weeks having fun and learning. We celebrated Fat Tuesday with beads, masks, and even pancakes in the Kindergarten, made by our very own Mrs. Baglivio. The kindergarteners even entertained us with a musical parade around the school! If that weren’t exciting enough, snow graced us in the morning which was enjoyed by our little ones as well.

Ash Wednesday was a beautiful and busy day. Not only did we receive ashes to mark the beginning of the wonderful season of Lent, but it was also Valentine’s Day and the 100th day of school!!! Wow!

Kindergarteners made 100 Year hats, cut out 100 footprints and collected 100 items of food to bring to St. Gregory’s Food Pantry!

Our PreK students celebrated the 101st day of school with the 101 Dalmatians! The staff really got in the spirit!

In Art class, 2nd grade made snowflakes using pasta, first and second made masks for Mardi Gras, and third grade made dragon puppets to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

K-2 enjoyed a visit from Dr. Mary and the Tooth Fairy!

The Rah Rah last Friday was so much fun as classes participated in relay races on the scooters and then had to put the “Heart-est” Puzzle together. Yes, it was very hard to do! Our 8th Graders took the Spirit Stick this month!

Blessings – Mrs. Kobrin

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