While it may not feel like spring quite yet, we can see new buds, the daffodils are blooming, and Easter is quickly approaching! This is a beautiful time of year to reflect and renew and to look forward to all of our upcoming spring activities!

Our 5th Graders prepared a spring craft for their PreK 4A Prayer Partners, and they had a wonderful time working together.

PreK 4A is Growing in God’s Love. PreK 4B is looking forward to Leaving Winter “Behind.” PreK 3 is Soaring in their Learning!

At Mass this week, we honored our officer who will be moving on in a couple of weeks. We all prayed for him and thanked him for being a wonderful presence in our school this year.

Our 7th Graders are excited to present the Living Stations of the Cross this evening to our Parish community. This event is always a beautiful and moving experience.

Many Blessings…Mrs. Kobrin

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