Last Friday, our Kindergarteners and 1st graders walked to the Firehouse and learned about fire safety and prevention. They even got to sit in a fire truck and shoot water out of the hose. What a great little trip! The Point Pleasant Beach Fire Department also came to the school and students toured the fire truck and had so much fun. Second Graders met their 8th Grade Prayer Partners by the Church for a meet & greet! They filled out a biography worksheet and colored the cover of their Prayer Partner memory book! On Tuesday, we welcomed our new 6th Grade teacher, Mrs. Cooper! We’re thrilled to have her onboard. Tuesday was also Olympic Night, and the students had a fantastic time and took home many medals! Fifth Graders are doing a great job identifying states in our country and learning about special places in each of its regions, and in Math, the 5th graders are working on multiplication properties, 6th graders on fractions, 7th graders on rational numbers, and 8th graders on transformations. In technology, the kindergarten used Kahoot to work on the alphabet – it was so much fun! On Thursday, at the PTA Executive Board Meeting, our new officers were inducted! Many thanks to this fantastic board! Also on Thursday, the 3rd graders continued their enrichment at Jenkinson’s Aquarium and learned all about the atmosphere and how the gases affect the climate on earth and consequently, wildlife, including the penguins. The aquarium staff prepares great, engaging activities for our students! To end the week, our 2nd graders had Mass in the school Chapel with Father Marek, and the 7th graders had a great hands on lesson at Jenkinson’s Aquarium! God Bless. Mrs. Kobrin

1st Grade                                                      2nd Grade                                                         PreK 3


Prayer Partners Grades 2 and 8                                                                                              Welcome Mrs. Cooper

Olympic Night                                                                               Kindergarten Kahoot

PTA Board Induction                                                                              3rd Grade Aquarium

2nd Grade Chapel Mass                                                                   7th Grade Aquarium

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