It was a very busy week here at school. On Tuesday, many of our students participated in Olympic Night and had so much fun! We had several medal winners and it was a great night of sportsmanship and teamwork. Special thanks to our Athletic Directors, Coaches and Teachers who volunteered their time to make it all run smoothly!

On Wednesday, the 8th Graders attended the Bishop’s Mass for all of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Trenton. It was a beautiful celebration of our Catholic schools with the message of always being close to Jesus.

Our 3rd Graders began their 6 week study of penguins at Jenkinson’s Aquarium and had a fantastic time learning about the characteristics of penguins. Did you know that penguins have a special gland in their nose to help filter out salt in the water in order to be able to drink it?

On Thursday, our Kindergarten and 6th Grade Prayer Partners attended Mass together. It is such a joy to see the older ones helping and being role models for our younger students.

Also on Thursday, our 5th Graders took a field trip and participated in the Clean Ocean Action Student Summit at Island Beach State Park. They engaged in many field workshops including: Intro to Terrapins; Marine Animal Identification; Ocean to Bay; Birds of the Jersey Shore; Marine Water Quality Monitoring, and Understanding Marine Debris. We visited different stations, held baby terrapins, did a beach walk, and much more! What a great day! 

 Congratulations to our 8th Grade soccer players who were acknowledged at their game this week! 

Finally, look how our teachers spent their Friday afternoon….Engaged in professional development and building bridges that Photon the Robot could cross! What great teamwork!


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