As we proceed through April, we look forward to many wonderful things…First Communion for our 2nd Graders and Confirmation for our 8th Graders. Preparations have been underway and we look forward in anticipation and excitement!

In 7th Grade ILA, students moved around the classroom completing character charts in a circuit to help them understand the static and dynamic characters of The Wednesday Wars.

In Art Class, 4th Grade used chalk to make pictures of the night sky. Kindergarten used clay to make coil hearts.

Kindergarten took a walking field trip to Jenkinson’s Aquarium and had a blast!!! They loved their tour guide! The touch tank opportunity was very exciting! They loved their police escort, too!

Our 5th Graders were very excited to begin the LEAD Program with Officer Spader.

Kindergarten and Grade 6 Prayer Partners learned about Pope Francis’ message to care for the earth and to “ensure its fruitfulness for coming generations.” They made bird feeders with cheerios and then created cherry blossom trees as a craft.

5th Graders completed a bread project in Technology. They chose a country, researched information such as location on the globe, main geographic features, favorite foods, population, and culture.  Then they found a popular bread of the country, the ingredients/recipe and pictures of the bread.  After their research, they created a slideshow, presented their findings to the class, and of course, ate some delicious bread!

Kindergarten examined flowers with magnifying glasses and went on a nature walk with the special spy glasses that they made!

PreK 4A and Grade 5 had a fabulous afternoon in the Science Lab! Our 5th Graders presented all of the animals, told them fun facts, and let the PreK pet the animals. What an amazing learning experience!

Blessings…Mrs. Kobrin

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