Filed Day was an amazing day full of many fun events and ice cream! Thanks to the PTA, Mr. Marco, and the many parent volunteers who made the day so special.

PreK 4 released their butterflies and Father Theodore joined them and gave a special blessing for the butterflies. It was a very exciting day!

Kindergarten got a special treat when we had a demonstration of some new interactive technology in their classroom. They were so excited to explore the various activities presented!

In Art Class, for Memorial Day, 1st and 2nd Graders made poppy wreaths out of cupcake wrappers.

PreK 4A, 4B and Kindergarten had an out of this world time on Space Day! They visited different space stations which included a flying saucer game, making rockets, making telescopes for star gazing, and exploring with the photon robots. It was the perfect space adventure!

Blessings…Mrs. Kobrin

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