So many wonderful things to be thankful for and to share!
Our beautiful second graders received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion! What a wonderful and joyous occasion!
Student Council ran a Spirit Week with crazy hats and socks, anything BUT a backpack, and a fantastic Rah Rah – May the “Fourth” be with You! Everyone had a blast and 5th Grade won the spirit stick.
Kindergarten learned all about the metamorphosis of caterpillars turning into butterflies as they watched it before their eyes right in class. When they were ready, the students released the new butterflies at the Mary garden.
Our 8th Graders received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Bishop O’Connell inspired them to continue growing in their faith.
7th Grade Advanced Math students experimentally derived the formula for volume of a pyramid using paper nets and rice.
6th Grade students used pastel chalk to create a Rococo inspired flower still life.
1st and 2nd Grade finished illuminated manuscript style prayers using the Hail Mary prayer.
Our 4th Graders help load up all the food donated for our Student Council Food Drive to benefit St. Gregory’s Pantry.
Students always love the Mother’s Day Plant Sale sponsored by the PTA. They enjoyed choosing some beautiful flowers for the amazing mom’s, grandmothers, aunts, etc. in their lives!
Blessings…Mrs. Kobrin